gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

1. i’m thankful for technology. yes, i love technology. everything from ultra sound machines, to iphones to crockpots. i’m thankful for it all this week. we live in a technological marvel world.

2. i’m thankful for these crazy wonderful temps. this is one pregnant lady who is grateful that we’ve been hanging in the low 80s and even dipping into the 70s for most of this summer. mid-july in ohio could be soooooo different so i want to shout some gratitude to the weather patterns.

3. my husband’s music collection and investment in making music a part of our life. without his influence i think i would let myself get too busy with the day-to-day doings and neglect my music intake, except for the 90s channel on satellite radio.

4. i’m grateful for 4 pool days in a row!

5. and lastly, i’m thankful for our cosby show dvd box set. watching episodes in honor of Bill C’s birthday, curled up with my fam was a highlight of my week.

weekending 45

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folks i gotta whole lotta nothing to share from the weekend. things will probably be pretty quiet on this site for a few days until we get ourselves set up in our new place. the word for the weekend has been balance. i feel i’ve done well not giving in to the feeling of being overwhelmed. we’ve had a lot of help this past week and that has been a lifesaver.

the bottom line is we’ve enjoyed a couple days being back together as a family, working on our new space. darla has helped with a couple painting projects but doesn’t have any interest in packing. oh well.

please keep your fingers crossed for us and send us all your positive vibes that we get everything packed up in time to move this next weekend. also, please pray that i keep my sanity in the process.

hope you and yours had a lovely weekend!

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} my parents and their support

{2} outdoor adventure time

{3} 60s architecture

{4} reunions with dear friends

{5} our years spent living in dc


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i thought i would include some of d’s readz this week as well. you can see information intake has been eclectic in this household this week.

i’m currently enjoying Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver. I’m slowly getting into it and don’t really know why it was calling to me but i love BK’s writing style. that woman knows how to tell a story. i also fantasize myself into the wild west in a past life so it’s keeping me fairly entertained thus far. like her other books, this one is told from multiple points of view. i’m not really far enough into it. i don’t really know what is going on in this book. so…this post is really pointless.

but part of the reason my own personal reading takes a back seat is because reading for d takes up a large chunk of my daily time. we straddled Fantastic Mr. Fox and Bodies from the Ice this week for her. these go together like ricky simmons and spandex don’t they? what can i say? darla’s interest in eqyptian mummies led us to branch out to mummification via glacier. honestly, it’s facinating stuff.

does FMF need an explanation? i feel we’re really lucky to have such an amazing movie to go along with this children’s classic. the majority of darla’s interest in chapter books has spun off from movies.

now you know what’s in our brains.