gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:


{2} i’m thankful for all our friends and family and all those sending us love and support from near and far.

{3} i’m thankful for my birth team – our midwives, doula, my husband and daughter – for being by my side and helping me have the most wonderful experience of my life. they’ve all continued to be by my side through postpartum and i feel so propped up during this major life event.

{4} i’m thankful for my parents. they’ve given us so much love and support over these past few months. my mom is currently making me biscuits and bacon…enough said. so thankful for their example and presence in our house postpartum.

{5} i’m thankful for a strong and capable body, mind and spirit. yes, i’m thankful for myself. i can say that proudly. it’s a gift from the universe to be happy and comfortable with thyself.  i’m thankful to be me, experiencing this life.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

{1} donuts

{2} my husband and child for procuring said donuts

{3} the kicks, jabs and punches of a strong, healthy little babe

{4} our pillowtop mattress gifted by my mom and dad.

{5} our midwives and the midwifery model of care that sees the value of a flexible birthing window. i’m thankful to let my body do it’s thing, my baby do his/her thing and trust in the natural process of life.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

1. i’m thankful for technology. yes, i love technology. everything from ultra sound machines, to iphones to crockpots. i’m thankful for it all this week. we live in a technological marvel world.

2. i’m thankful for these crazy wonderful temps. this is one pregnant lady who is grateful that we’ve been hanging in the low 80s and even dipping into the 70s for most of this summer. mid-july in ohio could be soooooo different so i want to shout some gratitude to the weather patterns.

3. my husband’s music collection and investment in making music a part of our life. without his influence i think i would let myself get too busy with the day-to-day doings and neglect my music intake, except for the 90s channel on satellite radio.

4. i’m grateful for 4 pool days in a row!

5. and lastly, i’m thankful for our cosby show dvd box set. watching episodes in honor of Bill C’s birthday, curled up with my fam was a highlight of my week.

gratitude adjustment

it’s been a long time since i’ve sat down to write out a weekly gratitude list. sorry to have neglected you, old friend. let’s see if we can revive this spiritual exercise. the older this soul gets the more tending and nurturing my spirit will need, me thinks.

1} i’m thankful for an absolutely gorgeous week of weather that has allowed for extra time out-of-doors and allowed me to stay active. this body, this baby needs me to stay active. i’m thankful for the cooler temps that have allowed windows to stay open and breezes to be felt.

2} i’m thankful for the extra hours this weekend. extra hours with my husband. extra hours of letting darla stay up without worry. extra hours of alone time. somehow, time stretched out and the universe fit some extra hours in there. the world didn’t seem in such a rush. we had many invitations over the holiday weekend but not many solid, obligatory plans. when we were able to be flexible and say “ok, yeah, we all feel good enough to attend this” then everything worked out perfectly. it was a nice reminder to loosen up and stay flexible.

3} i’m thankful for lots of social interaction these past couple weeks. i can often get very overwhelmed with keeping up with life but i’ve been trying to be gentler with myself and give up the guilt trip of how often i see people, or how often i call, or how long it takes me to respond to a text. it all works out as it should in the end and enjoying the time you have with people face-to-face is the only thing that matters.

 4} i’m thankful for my parents and the support they offer up freely from both near and far.

5} i’m thankful for this body of mine for growing a body of not-mine. these uncomfortable last days of pregnancy require a conscious effort to stay in touch with how well my body is doing while growing this person. and i’m thankful to have another little body, that my body grew 5 1/2 years ago to be my partner in that effort. darla has been wonderfully engaged and marveled by this body transformation and i am crossing my fingers that it will carry forth in her own life and leave her with a positive foundation for whatever role pregnancy may play out in her own life.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} Destroyer week!

{2} unpacked boxes and house progress.

{3} new neighbors & friends!

{4} christmas movies in the morning, snuggled with my fam.

{5} bacon. again. and always.