gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:


{2} i’m thankful for all our friends and family and all those sending us love and support from near and far.

{3} i’m thankful for my birth team – our midwives, doula, my husband and daughter – for being by my side and helping me have the most wonderful experience of my life. they’ve all continued to be by my side through postpartum and i feel so propped up during this major life event.

{4} i’m thankful for my parents. they’ve given us so much love and support over these past few months. my mom is currently making me biscuits and bacon…enough said. so thankful for their example and presence in our house postpartum.

{5} i’m thankful for a strong and capable body, mind and spirit. yes, i’m thankful for myself. i can say that proudly. it’s a gift from the universe to be happy and comfortable with thyself.  i’m thankful to be me, experiencing this life.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

1. fleece lined tights. they’ve changed my world.

2. chorizo tacos.

3. visits from my mother.

4. mike’s family for feeding us on thanksgiving. sub category: i’m thankful for stuffing and gravy.

5. my parent’s willingness to host a visitor of their own while we get some stuff organized at the new homestead.


gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} Destroyer week!

{2} unpacked boxes and house progress.

{3} new neighbors & friends!

{4} christmas movies in the morning, snuggled with my fam.

{5} bacon. again. and always.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} my husband, an expert mover and an excellent father to our wild girl.

{2} our good friends who help haul our crazy heavy furniture all over this town, feed us fried chicken, help us paint, spend time with our girl, and are there to lend an ear for important conversations.

{3} bacon. i think i will always be thankful for bacon.

{4} waking up in our new place, feeling at home after one night, next to my favorite two people in the world.

{5} the continuous, consistent ways i’m reminded that i’m not in control in this life and the fact that i now have a spiritual well to remind me that my only job here is to turn it over and trust in my path.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} daylight savings time. hello again sunny mornings!

{2} helpful friends. we’ve had so much help from friends already during the moving process. i’m genuinely thankful.

{3} WCBE for gifting me with free tix to Dr. Dog.

{4} my parents and their support

{5} my husband for working with me to have a lower stress move this time around

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} my mom, the maker of wonderful stews and sponsor of relaxing trips to the woods. she does so much for us and i’ll always be thankful for her

{2} maple bacon flavored everything

{3} cider, of the hard and soft varieties

{4} a week of long nature walks

{5} and ummmm american horror story on netflix. my new obsession :)

gratitiude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} my daughter’s imaginary friend named Hot Dog Water. I do not make this shit up.

{2} the beauty of a lunar eclipse in a clear night sky.

{3} fellow humans who are willing to talk things out when there has been a misunderstanding.

{4} the still, calm voice inside that consistently urges me to be patient and wait for the good things to come.

{5} my little family that loves to get out and experience life even if it means dishes pile up and laundry doesn’t get folded in a reasonable amount of time.

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} the delicious and nutritious food that finds its way to our table

{2} full nights of sleep. glorious, glorious sleep.

{3} lovely october weather

{4} my husband’s cocoa-coconut pancakes

{5} my daughter’s independent and free spirit

gratitude adjustment

sunday is the day e’rybody’s gettin’ spiritual, right? gratitude is an important part of my spiritual path within this world. here’s my weekly list:

5 Things I’m thankful for this week:

{1} the truly wonderful doula workshop i was welcomed to sit in on.

{2} my ambitions, even if they do drive me crazy and keep me up thinking about the possibilities at night.

{3} my husband for pulling extra hours with our kiddo this weekend

{4} this post. just so good.

{5} a busy schedule. although it makes life hard to manage at times, it means a lot of opportunity and good is ahead.