about a girl

seven years ago today a man came to visit me. he was living in new york city and i was living in dc. we had met a month before, spent a few brief hours together and then parted ways as he hopped on a bus back to the big apple. half of me thought i would never see him again. the other half of me told my new roommate i had just met the man i was gonna marry…

but he came back.

he said he had to go see about a girl.

i don’t usually go about making celebrity deaths personal {although i still can’t believe i live in a world where george harrison no longer walks the earth. i kinda feel like we should have all laid down and stopped breathing right along with him} but i think i really do owe my marriage, my babies and seven splendid years of partnership with my husband in part to robin williams. mike was inspired by this scene in goodwill hunting to take a chance and see about a girl.

and i was that girl.


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